模联竞逐,荣耀凯旋——太阳成学子在2024年世青模联广西会议中再创佳绩时间:[2024-08-18] 来源:桂电中学 点击数:10
2024年8月3到5号,在学校领导的大力支持下,由李志斌老师和易立雯老师指导带队,太阳成学子第三次前往南宁国际会展中心参加由外研社和北京外国语大学联合举办的世界青少年模拟联合国会议广西会议。 南宁国际会场中心 本次会议太阳成共有11位同学参加。他们是来自高76班唐子然,201班吴蕙彤、张祖程、潘宇栖、唐一然、于诗涵,198班李思佳、204班姜易辰、文玥灵、206班吴文桐垚、207班唐琦涵。其中6位同学参加了初中英文会场,5位同学参加了中文会场。 太阳成全体代表合影 本次会议我们取得了这三年最好的一次晋级成绩:有6位同学晋级了高级会议。他们分别是初中英文会场:李思佳、姜易辰、文玥灵、初中中文会场:吴蕙彤、张祖程、高中中文会场:唐子然。 初中中文会场合影 初中英文会场合影 部分英文代表合影 本次模联会议,同学们的表现可圈可点,虽然我们人数少,而且还分散在三个会场,但是晋级人数多,会前我们经过两次培训,同学们也认真进行了背景资料调查,每个同学都尽可能争取提动议和加入发言,推动和引领整个会议的进程。成为决议草案起草国的同学有:唐子然、吴蕙彤、张祖程、潘宇栖、唐琦涵、吴文桐垚、文玥灵、姜易辰、李思佳。201班吴蕙彤还作为太阳成代表接受了广西都市频道采访。本次会议还增加了第三天的复盘会议,五个会场的代表有互相学习和交流的机会。 第三天复盘会议现场 希望能有更多的同学的参与模联活动。 以下是参与模联活动的感言: 中文会场同学参会感言: 75班唐子然 模拟联合国大会的经历是一段充满挑战与成长的时光。在准备过程中,我深入学习了我所代表的国家(非洲)的政治、经济、文化等多方面的知识。充分感受到了非洲能源问题乃至世界能源可持续发展问题的复杂性和多样性。 作为高中生的我或许还稚嫩,但模拟联合国大会给了我一个站在一个更大舞台上大胆表现自己的机会。在大会中,我与来自不同国家和地区的同学们一起在会场中辩论,学会了倾听、表达和协商。我们共同探讨非洲普遍能源获取问题,尝试提出解决方案。同时,在立场文件的撰写中,我与美国,法国等国家代表共同撰写决议草案并获得全票通过。这锻炼了我的写作和组织能力,让我深刻体会到了合作与沟通的重要性。 这次经历让我更加明白,作为世界公民,我们都有责任为解决全球问题贡献自己的力量。模拟联合国大赛不仅是一次知识的较量,更是一次心灵的洗礼。它让我更加坚定了为世界和平与发展努力的决心,也让我更加珍惜这段难忘的时光。
201吴蕙彤 模拟联合国活动是一项国际性的活动,参与模联会议,可以让我们当代中学生了解到错综复杂的国际关系,各个国家的文化、历史和政治制度,通过参加模联会议还能提高文件写作,制定策略等能力,与此同时,参加模联开拓了我的国际视野,也是提高外交水平和能力的一个好平台。 相比去年我第一次参加模联会议,这次会议中,我的各个方面都有很大的进步,搜索资料更为精准,语言表达更为流畅,今年我可以很自信的与其他各国代表交流和辩论。对于我来说,这是一扇打开世界的窗户,是我全面提升自己各项能力的一次好机会,也希望明年会有更多的同学加入到模联会议中来。 英文会场同学参会感言: 204姜易辰 It is an honor to share my reflections on participating in the World Model United Nations 2024. Representing Italy on the issue of preventing and combating violence and bullying in schools was an invaluable experience for me. In this program, I learned how to write speeches, draft resolutions, and engage in debates, which required me to express complex ideas clearly. I also improved my vocabulary and public speaking skills. I was scared of delivering speeches in public, but by attending this conference I overcame my fears and boosted my confidence. Presenting Italy's stance on school bullying taught me the importance of clear and confident communication, preparing me for future public speaking opportunities. I realized that teamwork is essential to achieve common goals and that I should all put aside the school differences and vote on the draft resolutions in the interest of the country I represent. Researching the topic of the conference broadened my knowledge and honed my information-gathering skill. However, I was not very familiar with the files I had prepared, so I could not find the exact file for the motion and needed lots of time to find related files for the speech. I am grateful for this opportunity and the lessons learned.
206吴文桐垚 Participating in the World Model United Nations(WMUN) is a profound journey of learning and growth. Here, I have not only broadened my international horizons, but also deeply understood the complexity and diversity of international relations. Through the WMUN, I experienced the collision of the wisdom of diplomatic negotiations and learned how to seek consensus while respecting differences and exploring peaceful solutions in conflicts. Every speech is a challenge and improvement of self-ability. I have learned how to express my views clearly and logically and work together to move the issue forward. These experiences have undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for my future study and life. In addition, the WMUN also gave me the opportunity to meet outstanding young people from various schools, and I was deeply encouraged by their talent and enthusiasm. We discussed international issues together and shared our views. This kind of friendship and cooperation makes me convinced that the world will be a better place. In a word, the WMUN was an unforgettable experience, which not only strengthened my beliefs and pursuits, but also inspired my desire to explore. I believe that in the future, I will turn this experience into motivation, keep moving forward, and contribute to building a better world.
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